Frequently Asked Questions

WidlfireWoGeneral Questions

  • Who should I contact with questions?

    We are always happy to answer your questions. Please email [email protected]. Because of the many different time zones that we cover, thanks for understanding that a response could take 24-72 hours.

  • Besides the Wildfire Workshop, what other types of training tools do you offer?

    Whether your organization is looking to become certified to implement Street Business School in your community, enhance your existing entrepreneurship training materials, or you’re just getting started on an entrepreneurship training program, we’ve got what you need! In addition to our trainers' Wildfire Workshop, we offer:

    - Trainer Tool Resources for those that are just getting started or want a taste of our program. Our Training Toolkits will help you to train business skills in your community, and our Concept Activity Kits will reinforce the business skills you train.

    - 8 day in-person Workshops where attendees can earn a Lead Coach Certificate

    - Customized partnership opportunities for those larger organizations that want to have beneficiary impact of 5000 or more

  • How do I access my Workshop (including Pre-course work), after I have registered?

    To access your course:

    - Go to

    - Click on the sign-in link in the upper righthand corner. This will bring you to your Student Dashboard where all your courses appear.

WidlfWildfire Workshop Questions

  • How do I register for the Wildfire Workshop?

    We can’t wait for you to join us! You can register for the Wildfire Workshop by using this link.

  • I have registered for the Wildfire Workshop, what's next?

    Once registered, you will receive an email with all the information you need to get started.

  • What is the overall format of the Wildfire Workshop trainings?

    Each training session consists of:

    - 8 interactive sessions, most of which are “live” Zoom calls of approximately 3 hours. The training might also include some pre-recorded training sessions. Get ready to have some fun & to participate!

    - Review Questions - you must attain an 80% or better in order to move on to the next lesson. Taking notes during the session makes answering the Review Questions a breeze!

    - Required introductory work must be fully completed no later than 1 week before the first live training. Pre-course work consists of:
    1. Watching a video that provides important information that you will need to know for the course (28 minutes)
    2. Downloading & printing your Workbook
    3. Reviewing the other optional, but informative videos

    You will not be able to access the live training unless your pre-course work is completed. In order to prepare to take full-advantage of the training, attendees are REQUIRED to complete this short, 2-hour pre-course work.

  • How do I get the most out of Wildfire Workshop online courses?

    Online learning, for many people, represents a substantial departure from in-person learning. Here are some tips to help you enjoy your online learning experience:

    - Be early. Plan on showing up to your training 10 minutes prior to the start of the session to ensure that your equipment is working properly.

    - Plan your time well. Plan to complete your Review Questions well in advance of your next training session, as completing your Review Questions unlocks your access to the next session.

    - Minimize distractions. You may find that phone calls, incoming e-mails, and questions from co-workers make it difficult to learn.

    - Choose a place and time to learn so that you'll have a minimal number of distractions and interruptions.

  • For how long is access available to the learning platform once the Workshop is over?

    Once a Workshop ends, you will always be able to access any Certificates that you have earned, but of course, the Workshop collateral/lessons will no longer be available for access.

  • Why do you require that 2 people attend the Workshop?

    The SBS Curriculum is robust, and it will require 2 people to deliver it to your beneficiaries, thus at least 2 people from your organization must be fully trained and certified by SBS. This means that it is also required that both staff members attend all online training sessions for the entire session duration, and fully participate.

  • Why do you have live sessions and not just recordings?

    We know you will learn best by participating actively, even online, with the trainers. This is also what will get you the impact you are looking for, and 99% of our attendees agree that our live training sessions are very engaging!

  • How much time is available to me after the course to complete the Final Review Questions to earn my Certification?

    Once you’ve attended the 8 live training sessions and successfully completed each Session's Review Questions, you will have 1 week to complete your Final Review Questions in order to earn Certification as an Associate Lead Coach.

  • After I have attended all of the sessions, is that it? How do we stay in touch?

    The foundation of the SBS training is built on relationships. The connection we establish over the training sessions will not stop there. Once Certified, you will become part of the online SBS Global Partner Network and will be connected not just to your training group, but to the many other organizations that have attended all of our online Workshops. Through this network you will be able to interact with people from all over the world, looking to make a difference. In addition to the network, you will also have access to 6 one-on-one coaching sessions with one of your trainers, receive newsletters, attend informational Zoom calls and so much more!

Technology Questions

  • What software do I need? Do I need specific equipment to take the online Wildfire Workshop?

    Our online courses can be accessed on a mobile or tablet device, although we strongly encourage you to have access to a desktop or laptop computer.

    The Wildfire Workshop requires a reliable internet connection.

    You should have an up-to-date web browser such as: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

    Note that the learning platform does not support Internet Explorer.

    If using a mobile device, we recommend: iOS Safari: 11 and up, Chrome or Samsung Internet

  • Who do I contact if I can’t log into my account?

    If you have forgotten your password, check out: How to Reset Your Password

    If you are still having trouble, please contact our Online Network Manager [email protected].

  • I am having trouble viewing the Workshop online, what do I do?

    If you are experiencing unexpected behavior while viewing your course, sometimes this is browser related. Make sure to check out the basic browser troubleshooting steps, by clicking this link.

  • I am still having technology problems, who do I contact?

    Please contact our Online Network Manager [email protected].